Internationally known Intuitive Spiritual Coach, Medium and Motivational Speaker; a clairvoyant, clairaudient, empathic channel who can also use psychometry in order to facilitate a reading or a healing session. She channels angels, guides and loved ones who have crossed over.
At AFC Wellness, we focus on finding the underlying cause(s) to completely eliminate ones symptoms permantly. Symptoms are the body's way to communicate to us with what it needs. You can either continue to suppress it or fix it indefinitely. We are excited that you are considering our office for care!
I have spent the past 35 years developing expertise in counseling children, adolescents and young adults. In addition to supporting youth who have endured some sort of traumatic circumstances such as a death in the family, a divorce, or a protracted illness, I help individuals with learning disabilities, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, and other social-emotional and developmental challenges
Dr. Patrick J. Harbula has been a leader and teacher in the human potential movement, meditation trainer, and life coach for over 30 years. As a life purpose coach Patrick has helped countless individuals and organizations achieve their goals. He inspires his clients to break through blocks to living their dreams, including fears, addictive behavior, and the pervasive belief that one is unworthy of magnificence. He and his wife host sweat lodges and other spiritual events monthly.
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