Many people recommend going out into nature as a way to integrate, and it is a popular and useful tool. That's because going out into the wilderness can inspire awe, like the kind that you experience during a psychedelic journey. Mother Nature is incredible in tis complexity and beauty, and spending time at a local park or hiking in the woods can be extremely useful in reconnecting to that experience of incomprehensible beauty and things greater than yourself. This can be beneficial the days immediately following your experience, as can continuing to spend more time somewhere what you can quietly reflect, relax and take in greatness.
While obviously nature is a wonderful place to inspire awe and unwind, letting emotions or possible insights come to you, it's not the only place that elicits that "small self" feeling. Listening to music from your journey can also help, as can going to other places that provoke reverence, like a museum, a live concert, play or other type of performance, or whatever inspires you personally. Maybe that's street art or traveling to a foreign country, or taking time to look up to the stars at night. It could be reading a great book or skydiving; going to ballet, planetarium, or musical. Again, this all comes back to your intuition. there's no right or wrong way to inspire awe, and it'll be individual to what stirs you.
The important thing is to go somewhere that moves you to reflect on things grander than yourself and that inspires the same feeling of amazement that you're an important part of such a complex and beautiful world.
**Excerpt From Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion, by Michelle Janikian
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